Each one of us has our own personal story that is seen being told through our physical body, our chosen lifestyle, developed habits and postural alignment. Our own intimate observation evolves us towards an undoing of all that is falsely blocking us from soul-full living.

We can tap into the qualities for our soul purpose and program the bio- circuitry of the body through physical posturing and movement. This discovery allows for a celebration of who we are. We can make both conscious choices for healthy balanced living and realign to create healthy self cords for ourselves. (the term Self Cord can also be looked upon as a definition of Yoga- union)

The dynamic sequences
and the static postures (held for a length of time) of Natures Rhythm yoga are based on the alignment of our whole being to the universal matrix that we are intimately part of.

Natures Rhythm yoga takes into account aspects such as:
- The Moon and its position for that day
- Mind and body detoxification
- Static and flowing and improvised movement
- The grounding of our creative light
- The fine tuning of the chakras using seed sounds and mantra
- The reconnecting resonance of Sacred Sound harmonic tubes
- Sacred silence. Meditation
And, the practice of Yoga Nidra which has been devised to bring into fruition the fullest expression of our unlimited potential.

Saturday 20 October 2012

Heart Chakra Track from "Mastering the 7 Spheres of Consciousness with Sacred Sound CD"

Only in our heart can we experience the feeling of peace in our body.
Only in our heart can we know our truth and what path to follow.
In the depth of our heart, we are never misled.
In our heart, we are not impressed with outer shows.
We touch our truth and the veils of separation and fear are lifted. We come to know the nature of our soul to be at peace.

I meditate on the pulse of peace in my heart.
I meditate on warmth of love in my heart.
I meditate on the vibration of joy in my heart.

In my heart I find my center.
In my heart I know my soul.
In my heart I know love.

And here's a track that will directly access your heart energy field... Heart Chakra Track from "Mastering the 7 Spheres of Consciousness with Sacred Sound CD "

Saturday 16 July 2011

The Archetypes of Sacred Feminine Initiation

The Archetypal Mother is the matrix of a woman's capacity and power to conceive, birth, sustain, and renew life and give death. It is the Mother energy that initiates us into sacrifice (from the Latin, to make sacred), surrender, transformation, and transmutation. Among other things, Mother initiations call us to the healing of our own mother wounds, to look at ourselves as mothers, and to learn to let go into its own life that which we have birthed and nurtured. The Mother calls us to our bodies, to discover the joy of full embodiment, to nurture our physical life and the life of the planet. Encounter with the Dark Mother, Kali, the goddess who shreds the fabric of illusion, is the core of all initiation. Through Mother initiations, we learn to love all aspects of Life, to open to what is, as it is. We also come to realize that the root of our suffering is in wanting things to be different than they are.

The Archetypal Amazon is the feminine warrior priestess who serves Life. This energy calls us to integrity, to be in alignment with something greater than our own egoic wants and needs. We are in Amazon mode when we can take stock of our internal and external boundaries with people, food, money, time, energy, etc., when we can be strategic, make a plan, and carry it out. The Amazon challenges us to be scrupulous in our inner work, to aspire to trust and be in alignment with our own heart, to speak the truth, and be truly devoted to living and acting from consciousness and compassion. The Amazon is committed and willing to meet fear, shadow, and the inner masculine, as well as the utmost vulnerability of the wounded child within us. The Amazon brings clarity, assertiveness, decisiveness, honesty, responsibility, and courageous. She empowers us to learn skillful means for negotiating life in the world, including relationships, and being utterly faithful to ourselves. Amazon initiations teach us not to abandon ourselves.

The Archetypal Lover is the High Priestess of Eros, the feminine principle of relatedness. The Lover seeks relationships, union, and communion everywhere and with everything. When our Lover is invoked, our emotions, creativity, playfulness, sensuality, sexuality, relationship to self, body, other people, nature and the divine are the playground for exploration, healing, and discovery. She tends the garden of earthly delights. Beauty is her vocation, serving the Divine Beloved is her devotion. Lover initiations challenge us to confront the illusions that keep our hearts closed. We are given many opportunities to love freely and passionately, to be compassionate, especially with ourselves, and to live in the present moment. Lover initiations encourage embodiment and the healing of a wounded self image. The inner Lover can help a woman to transmute shame about her body to delight, as well as heal the wounds of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse.

The Archetypal Medial archetype awakens our desire for wisdom, knowledge, and the unknown, and fans the fires of search for all kinds of knowledge, from the practical to the most esoteric and mystical. Medial initiations usually take us into our fear of the unknown, where we must deal with ego's need for control and the fear of surrender. We come to realize that our fear of the unknown is really a fear of our thoughts about the unknown. The Medial energy invites us to descend deep into the depths of our own unconscious as well as to explore other dimensions of reality. These initiations dissolve our ideas about what we think we know, and who we think we are. Medial initiations call us to address issues of healer-ship, right use of spiritual powers, legitimacy, internal spiritual authority, and visibility in the world as a Medial Woman. This work opens us to our place in the world as a healer, and awakens us as priestesses and ritual makers.

The Queen archetype is the axis mundi, the archetypal center which Jung called ‘Self’, toward which our heroine’s journey is constantly spiralling. She embodies our full potential as human women whose essential nature is pure awareness, alive and awake in our own human woman body. Each initiation in all of the four other archetypal domains brings a woman greater awareness and embodiment of this Queen within who is awake, loving, compassionate, and increasingly free of her human conditioning, even as Life continues to bring to her door its imperfections, in-completions, and impermanence. She is the embodiment of all the other archetypes, and her visibility is the expression of all of her initiations. She calls us to live authentically, to open to the truth of what is as it is, and live our devotion.


Friday 31 December 2010

Happy 2011...

You can wipe the slate clean, focus upon what you really want in your life and chart your course like you do this time every year...Or You can give thanks that your life is what it is and that you are ready to receive what you know is already yours in spirit, by divine law.. Let yourself be guided by the Universe via your impulses and instincts that inspire you to take action. Get busy without getting caught on how it will come to pass..and just know the end result is already yours!!!


Happy 2011 New Dawn, New Era, New World

Monday 20 December 2010

December 21 2010 - A Golden window of opportunity to manifest our light

Some say this is the end of the Mayan calender and not Winter solstice 2012 the effects of the December 21 Lunar eclipse will continue to go on for 3 months and the Sun eclipse we had in November effects last for about 3 years!!!

Tonight I will be chanting from 9 p.m - 11 p.m (GMT) and then again from 5 a.m

Connecting earlier between say 5 - 7 a.m ensures that we can be still in the totality of existence at the time it actually occurs at 8.14 a.m (GMT)(12.14 p.m PST) until it ends 3 hrs later - during that window of time leading up to and beyond is when I will listen to the Children of the Sun meditation download here http://www.childrenofthesun.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=306:the-solstice-2010-initiation&catid=39:hallofrecords and chant the names of the Goddess - Lalita Sahasranama.

I have been looking at the reasearch about the circadian cycle for the purpose of getting my pineal into optimum health (....more soon)
I also discovered that 11.04 a.m (GMT) is when the Eclipse officially ends. That is the time that the Moon moves from Gemini into Cancer and reveals what needs to be transformed. Its not till 11.40 p.m (GMT) that the new light supreme is born...\o/ YES!!!!

Also let's look to our dreams tonight to bring us guidance for the coming year. The seeds of intentions of what we wish to manifest are waiting for us to tend to them. We can do a ritual to ground those intentions on this December 21st, by setting our intentions into two stones or crystals of our choice, then plant one in the soil (in the garden or a plant in your home) and the other place somewhere visible for daily remembrance.

Set your Intention and know it's already happening!... The river of change is inevitable so lets welcome it with joy and eyes and arms wide open!

I would love to hear of your plans for this auspicious moment in time - the darkest moments offer an opening to call in even more Light - so let's do it - Light your candles, have a fire ceremony(puja), and most of all feel the Sunshine from within no matter what is happening out there... Divine Love!!!

Happy Solstice!!!

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Dissolving with - Bija, Chakra and the Goddess

Locating the seven chakra's, knowing their basic attributes of colour, element, and psychological associations for energy work is essential. Meditating on these points and chanting can be practised in order to free up the energy flow within, which brings results externally. The process of chanting itself shakes up the held patterns of energy and reshapes them to their higher possibility.

These chakras are visualized and struck with the seed sound of the bija mantra in order from the base of the tail bone upwards to the top of the head.
Chant each of these in order, drawing your mind to each chakra, striking the chakra with the mantra:

As your concentration gets better, think of each Goddess at each chakra and dissolve the chakras into each other until they dissolve at the crown.
So,you can dissolve Earth into Water (root chakra to sex chakra), Water into Fire, Fire into Air, Air into Space, Space into Mind and Mind into the Cosmic realm.

1. Root chakra - mantra “KREEM” - this mantra is the sound which creates electricity and transformation.
It is the seed sound for the Goddess Kali, who is the personification of Kundalini, hence placing this mantra at the tail bone stimulates this higher, transformational prana to activate. Kali is TIME and rules over the dissolution of matter back to energy (death) as well as the destruction of illusion. When chanted at the root chakra, this mantra also helps us to understand what true security is - inside the Self!

2. Sex chakra - mantra “KLEEM” - this mantra is sticky, in that it holds things in it’s place, and attracts to itself. It is the energy of attraction, beauty, creativity, and love. Connected with the Goddess, Tripura Sundari who symbolises a pacified crown chakra grants us the experience of beauty and truth from within. It can also be used for Lord Krishna, and any deity or thing we wish to pull towards us. As the sex chakra is concerned with creativity and love, awakening the higher side of this chakra with this mantra, we become a source of love and creativity, without the need to manipulate others to satisfy us.

3. Navel chakra - mantra “HOOM” or “DOOM” as you can hear these two mantras both employ the long U sound, which has a similar effect of protection. Chant HOOM, with a short U sound, emphasizing the exhale and you will feel the navel contract; this is where the navel chakra is. HOOM is specific for Agni or FIRE. DOOM is specific for the Goddess Durga who is sought for protection. These mantras increase intensity and heat, which is a good thing especially for the digestive strength. The higher notion of this chakras meaning of power is the expression of a quiet power that does not need violence to attain it’s ends. Instead, true power is when all things are given freely to us without request or struggle.

4. Heart chakra - mantra “HREEM” - This mantra is like "OM" but for the Goddess, and connects you magically at a heart level to the Supreme, or, any other deity or thing we wish to get closer to. This is one of the most important mantras and has positive effects upon the physical heart as well as the energetic heart. The higher aspect of the heart chakra is to let the expression of love become unconditional and the direct perception of the air element.

5. Throat chakra - mantra “AYM” (like AIIIIM) - chant this mantra for wisdom, higher learning, teaching ability, and the gift of convincing speech. Connected with the Goddess Saraswati, this mantra is the most important mantra after OM.

6. Third eye - mantra “SHREEM” - Lately I have been talking about SOMA, and the bindu chakra at the back of the head. The mantra SHREEM brings about beauty, devotion, abundance, softness, and can be used to take refuge in whatever deity we choose. SHREEM is connected to the goddess Lakshmi, who’s two lower arms dispense tangible wealth, and who’s two upper arms hold lotuses, the abundance in spirit, the SOMA we yogis are seeking.

7. Crown chakra - mantra “OM” - liberation, going beyond all form. When you chant OM, bring your mind to stillness after the sound has finished, which takes your mind to the pure stillness within.

Monday 15 November 2010

Amma in London 2010

Date: Tues 16 - Wed 17 November
Venue: Alexandra Palace, Wood Green, London N22 7AY

(Tokens* will be issued one hour before the start of each programme, there is no charge for darshan, further details below).
Tuesday 16 November
10am to 2.30 pm (Tokens* at 9 am or one hour before start of program)
7.30 pm (Tokens* at 6.30pm)

Wednesday 17 November
10am to 2pm (Tokens* at 9am)
7pm Spiritual talk, Puja, meditation and Devi Bhava darshan until early morning (Tokens* at 6pm)

*Everyone needs a token, including infants. Only one token per person.

More Info Subject to change please check for changes on http://www.amma.org.uk/ammas-tour.htm or http://www.amma-europe.org/ammas-tour.html